WOM Influence &…Ethnicity???

WOM Influence &…Ethnicity???

Today, the Center for Media Research emailed out some BIGResearch from this mouth looking at the % of respondents in various groups who respond that their purchases in certain categories are influenced by Word of Mouth:

BIGResearch on WOM
BIGResearch on WOM

As a WOM Marketing practitioner and general data hound, I love a good chart.  But why the ethnic overlay?  If we look at the data, there are slight differences in the groups, but so slight that I really can’t imagine they would compel a marketer to change investment decisions.  Would I be more likely to do a BzzAgent campaign if I am a restaurant with a largely White patronage just because they are 10 points more likely to be influenced by WOM recommentations?  Probably not.  “Eating out” was the #1 or a close #2 most influenced category across the board.

So are any of these differences meaningful? What does this data say to you?

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