Portable Wisdom in time of Transition

Portable Wisdom in time of Transition

Today, I am turning the page on the COVID-era of my career and next week, I embark upon a new adventure with some newly earned skills and perspective. I’m fortunate to have worked with many wonderful people through the years. What you will find below is a compilation of their lessons on leadership and general wisdom on which I have reflected in this time of great change.

What follows is NOT garbage advice….

“It’s never as good as it seems and it’s never as bad as it seems” From the mind and lips of the unstoppable Rod Favaron, my boss for many of the last 10 years, this goes through my head every time I see folks getting too worked up about something one way or the other – in the world, in politics, in business and in life.

“If you can’t tell who is in charge – it’s YOU.” These words of wisdom from John H. Bell apply to meetings, brainstorms and groups of people who can’t decide where to go for dinner. Don’t wait for permission to pick up the pen and add structure to a situation that could use it.

“Don’t obsess on working on your weaknesses to the point that you forget to steer into your strengths” – Paraphrased from Heather Brunner when she was generous with her time to help me with a project. I’ve used this with many many people. Be aware of your strengths, but cultivate your superpowers and get into a spot where they will make the most differences.

Seems wrong to take wisdom from a movie with a character called “Cole Trickle” but here we are…

“Rubbin’, Son, is Racing”Days of Thunder. Distributed, virtual work means that opportunities for passive aggressive behavior and unspoken disagreement abound. They are a cancer in any organization. Now is the time to cultivate healthy conflict and drive it through to conclusion.

“Get the poop on the table”Dianne Borges. Ok, so Dianne has also said MANY more elegant things, but this is the one that I use day in and day out. Get a problem, conflict, issue, concern onto the table where it can no longer be ignored. It saves time and drives decisions.

Shoutout to the “Framily Gals”

Cultivate a kitchen cabinet” – adapted from Michelle Obama‘s response to a question about how she decides what to share on social media. Sometimes you need to sleep on a thought or take the input of others before making a major decision. I’m blessed with 2 kitchen cabinets: one of other CCOs on LinkedIn to thing through career items and another of accomplished friends in other fields who know me well. They both provide valuable counsel and ballast when I am about to do something out of emotion.

This movie doesn’t age – watch it again

“I’m not dead yet” from Monty Python & the Holy Grail. Yes, I have kids. Yes, I’m over 40. Yes, I’ve done some cool things and NO I’M NOT DONE. Not by a long damn shot.

And one from me “You are the only person in charge of your happiness”. If you are not pursuing the development and maintenance of your own happiness as fiercely as you are the happiness of your spouse, your team or your kids, it’s on you and you alone to dig in and pursue change.

Thank you to my extended tribe for their support & wisdom – especially in these last 3 years. And with that, as Bruce & John Hornsby wrote: “There’s a hard and distant prize, I probably won’t reach it, but I think I’ll try.”

Bruce from the Sheena Easton video for “Strut”. This is the energy I’m taking into my next chapter…
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