Recipe Comparison WOM Advice?
A friend and former colleague of mine has started a night and weekend passion project called RecipeComparison.
In a nutshell, the site allows you to “search for, compare, and share recipes” from popular recipe clearinghouse sites. The comparison is unique. It is a side by side look – allowing you to compare amounts and varieties by type of ingredient – like you would comparison shop for appliances or cars.
So…what audience is going to find this feature the most valuable? As a non-foodie, it is very easy for me to see the value beyond folks who spend hours trying to make sure they are optimizing their pumpkin pie recipes (in all honesty, I actually HAVE gone through this process to find the ultimate macaroni & cheese recipe and it was pretty painful without this tool). What about people trying to lose weight and find lighter versions of their favorites? Or heads of household who are cooking for families with food allergies who need to make substitutes?
What would your advice be to the founders of on how to get the word out about the site and its unique features (others include being able to keep a record of searches cross-recipe sites)? Where would you start?
On Wednesday, I’ll post the advice that I gave to the founders, but in the meantime, I know they would appreciate collecting ALL the best practices and suggestions they can. Bring it on!